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Activity history

How much the activity started by only two students

Can be a "meaningful activity"?

We introduce here what we have done, those who have joined us,

​And above all, I will introduce what I want to do from now on.

2020.5.27 PIJAS Launched

When we spoke online for the first time, the two things that came out were "I wanted more information " and " I need to leave information I got ". They are the core reasons we started activities for both juniors and ourselves.

2020.6.10 Second online meeting

We thought that we needed both official information and experiences that students could provide, so we started approaching universities and contacting each school's Japan society.

2020.7.4 3rd meeting

While it's difficult to gather information, we have been conscious of becoming a group that can be interested in as little as possible by making effective use of Facebook and sending email.

  • Facebook

Click here for Facebook.

2020.7.22 First collaboration with university

Held an online meeting with University of St. Andrews, one of Scotland, Ancient Universities. We reconfirmed that there is a definite need, and discussed about future policies and cooperation.

2020.7. Opening of web page and Instagram

I decided to create the outline of the website with the aim of becoming an explanatory material for the university and increasing the number of collaborators. How can we get more information from now on?

  • Instagramの - ブラックサークル

Click here for Instagram.

And What is next?

To increase the number of active members and to increase the number of collaborators. Increase the breadth of information. Increasing the number of users and providing information by making the pages easy for users to use. There are many things to do. If you are interested in this activity, please join us.

​This page was last updated on July 28, 2020 .

Created by PIJAS management members .

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